Embrace Processes, Not Results

Embrace Processes, Not Results

EMBRACE PROCESSES, NOT RESULTS Goals are Exciting and Processes Are Not Have you ever thought about achieving a goal and embarked on the process of working towards it, but after a little while the work overwhelmed you and you quit the project altogether? Perhaps you...
Nutrient Advantages During the Change of Season

Nutrient Advantages During the Change of Season

NUTRIENT ADVANTAGES DURING THE CHANGE OF SEASON The nutrition world often gets so caught-up in debates regarding calories, supplements, or macronutrients that the quality and nutrient-density of food gets forgotten. Because of this, consideration for micronutrients...
Simple Stories Are Ruining Our Health Progress

Simple Stories Are Ruining Our Health Progress

SIMPLE STORIES ARE RUINING OUR HEALTH PROGRESS We all fall victim to believing in the simple health stories that permeate our culture. These stories sum very complex ideas into short quips that sound authoritative, but lack context and often, truth. “Breakfast is the...