Summer Speed

Quickly Build Explosive Speed and Agility with a Proven System Designed for Youth Football

What if you could start every football season…

Measurably faster, quicker, and more explosive than you ever thought possible.

Feeling like a video game character whose speed burst is turned up to 99%.

Confident knowing you have that “extra gear” to blow past opponents on the field.

Hi, I’m Adam 👋

I’m a SYFC coach and a long-time resident of Sudbury. 

I’m also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and the owner of Pure Performance Training

For over a decade, my team and I have helped thousands of athletes dramatically improve their performance, overcome injuries, and take their game to the next level. 

But enough about me. 

Let’s talk about why you’re really here… 

Barry Sanders

Barry was the most jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring running back in NFL history. 

Every football fan has a remember the time story about Barry. It usually starts with him trapped behind the line of scrimmage, about to be tackled for a loss, then…


He cuts back at some impossible angle, disappearing downfield while defenders cartoonishly run into each other.  

But it wasn’t just Barry’s ankle-breaking jukes and ghostlike elusiveness that made him such a potent weapon.  

Barry was quick and fast.  

His speed, cuts, and ability to create separation gave him that “how did he just do that” quality. 

And that’s what I want to give you. 

Not just the ability to run fast in a straight line—although, yes, we’ll do that too—but laterally, in short bursts and dynamically in the open field. 

Because if you want to be a Total Package Athlete, you must be able to rapidly and accurately apply your speed in game situations. 

That level of reactivity and coordination takes practice and reps.  

Right now—while you’re in a developmental window—is the time to build the motor skills and muscular adaptations necessary for breakaway speed and explosiveness.

ESPN highlight reels are filled with fast-moving, high-flying plays because speed is the tide that lifts all boats.

Yet, very few athletes and coaches have a systematic approach to developing these skills.  

The result?

Outdated methods—like agility ladders and wind sprints—that look good on an Instagram story but do very little to make you better. 

Rationalizations about why athletes don’t make any progress—”It’s all genetics. You can’t teach fast, right?”  

I can confidently say that what’s keeping you average instead of savage isn’t a lack of talent or effort or some secret performance hack. 

It’s that you’re missing a practical framework that connects all aspects of speed with proper technique, optimal biomechanics, and all-around athleticism

I’ve spent the last decade testing, tweaking, and experimenting with the same speed-training methods used by Olympic and D1 track coaches. 

I’ve distilled everything I know into a simple, effective, progressive system that will not only teach you to become devastatingly fast but also a more powerful, versatile, injury-proof athlete. 

And I’m willing to share.  

That’s why I’m so excited to bring my Summer Speed program to athletes in my community. 

Summer Speed

Summer Speed is a GYM and FIeld BASED training 

Designed to empower you with everything you need to improve your speed, agility, and explosiveness.  

We combine cutting-edge sports science technologies with practical drills and sport-specific games to reinforce learning. All in a fun, competitive environment. 

At the start of the program we is an objective testing day, allowing us to gather data to build custom speed and athletic profiles for each athlete.   

We use Hawkin Dynamics Force Plates to measure braking and propulsive capabilities, identify left/right imbalances, and use laser timers to precisely measure 40-yard dash and 5-10-5 agility test times.   

Program Structure and Costs

When: Summer Speed opens Monday, June 24th.

The program runs in (2) four week blocks: 

June 24th – July 19th AND/OR July 22nd – August 16th. 

Choose between two, three, or four training days per week.

Sessions run M-F 9am, 10am, and 4pm and SAT 9 and 10am.

Cost per Block:

Two days/week – $320; Three Days – $420; Four Days – $480

Location: Pure Performance Training, 83 Union Ave. in Sudbury

Who it’s for: Summer Speed is available to rising 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.

To sign up, please email in**@pu*********************.com.

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